In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist 你的孩子将首先由耳鼻喉专科医生来诊察。
At once he sent for the country's leading ear, nose and throat specialist. Sir William. 他立刻请来了全国一流的耳鼻喉科专家威廉先生。
If after all this, you still snore excessively, then I suggest you go see a physician or a nose, ear and throat specialist. 如果在做了这些以后,你打鼾还是非常严重,那么我建议你去看看内科医生,或是耳鼻喉科的专家。
A good ear, nose and throat specialist can tell you if it is a hearing problem, and if it isn't, they can advise you what to do next. 一个好的耳鼻喉专家能告诉你,孩子不理人、不爱说话是不是因为他根本就听不见。如果不是,他能建议你下一步该做什么。
Shanghai fuda ear nose and throat hospital is Shanghai ENT specialist hospital. 浙江-江苏耳鼻喉医院怎么走丶浙江-江苏耳鼻喉医院主页?
The children also need further evaluation by an ear, nose and throat ( ENT) specialist. 孩子们也需要耳鼻喉科的专家进一步的检查。